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Groundhog's Day Coloring Pages
The Groundhog's Story
Welcome to our Groundhog Day coloring pages. As holidays go, this one is a little under ground....(joke) is however, a uniquely American "holiday".
Actually, it's not a holiday at all, it's more a day of celebration of an "urban legend" that most
Americans really consider quite silly, .....but we like it anyway!
The Groundhog Day coloring pages
Groundhog "cute" sticking head up out of his hole
Groundhog standing "nature scene" looking around
Girl and Boy spot a Groundhog in a field
No Shadow means early Spring
Shadow means longer Winter
Punxsutawney Phil Groundhog
Groundhog sees no shadow
Groundhog see his shadow
Groundhog coming out to see sunshine
Groundhog peeks from under a blindfold
Cute Groundhog sticks his head out of his hole
The Groundhog's Day "holiday" occurs every February 2nd, and many people are quite"curious" about what the groundhog "sees".
According to legend: "It is the day that the Groundhog comes out of his hole after a long winter sleep to look for his shadow.
- If the day is sunny and he sees his shadow, he regards it as an omen of six more weeks of bad weather and returns to his hole.
- If the day is cloudy and he therefore cannot see his own shadow, he takes it as an omen of spring arriving soon and stays above ground.
Perhaps the most famous Groundhog is known as "Punxsutawney Phil" who lives at Gobblers Knob. and has been know to the
earliest settlers of Pennsylvania's town of Punxsutawney for many years. Each year the town of Punxsutawney has held a Groundhog Day celebration
since the mid 1800s. The first official trek to Gobbler's Knob (to get the annual forecast) began on February 2, 1887. A movie was made
featuring this famous groundhog and the annual festival, its FUN !
Also, it is a little know fact that there have been many Great Americans born on this very special day, and one (that we know of) lives in Tennessee!