The Bunny Grays     /p2

James and Mrs. Mary Jones came out of the kitchen door. "Where are the little pests?" inquired Mrs. Jones. "I'll see if they eat all my lettuce this spring!"

"Right here," said James, stooping down to brush the leaves off the tulip bed. "Well, what in the world has happened to them?" he exclaimed, much excited. "There are no rabbits here!"

"Why, there goes Tabby to the tool shed with one in her mouth now," said Mrs. Jones. "She will have a good dinner today if she eats all those six young pests. We'll have a fine lettuce bed this spring, James."

Safely hiding under the floor of the tool shed, Mr. and Mrs. Bunny Gray and family and Mrs. Tabby Cat shook their fur with laughter at the great joke they had played on Mrs. Jones.

by: Alberta M. Carter