BlueBonkers kids coloring and activity pages


Pilgrim Thanksgiving Coloring Pages - Kids Activity Sheets

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Pilgrim Thanksgiving Coloring Pages

This Pilgrim Thanksgiving coloring page shows what the landing of the Pilgrims might have looked like. The man in the picture with the staff would represent William Bradford the elected leader of the Pilgrims.

Pilgrim Thanksgiving Coloring page - Pilgrim Landing Boat

Pilgrim Thanksgiving coloring pages celebrate the annual tradition begun after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620. Pilgrim Thanksgiving coloring pages depict scenes of the early settlers and native american indians. Pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving as a way to give thanks for their blessings and to share with their neighbors.

Printable Pilgrim Thanksgiving Coloring Page Sheets are a fun way to teach about the Thanksgiving holiday thru coloring activities. Today a fall harvest feast (and coloring pages) are one aspect of the traditional American celebration of Thanksgiving.