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Columbus Day Coloring Pages - Kids Activity Sheets

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Columbus flagship Santa María

Columbus Day coloring pages are a fun way to learn about the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas and his voyages to the New World.

Columbus Day Coloring page

The Santa María had a single deck and three masts. She was the slowest of Columbus' vessels but performed well in the Atlantic crossing. She ran aground off the present-day site of Môle Saint-Nicolas, Haiti on December 25, 1492, and was lost. Realizing that the ship was beyond repair, Columbus ordered his men to strip the timbers from the ship. The timbers from the ship were later used to build Môle Saint-Nicolas, which was originally called La Navidad (Christmas) because the wreck occurred on Christmas Day.

Columbus Day coloring pages are a popular activity for early school children to learn about the history of this day.